“The Shade and the Pulp” by Ian Truman
The task at hand seemed impossible yet every day he had to accept his fate and undergo the process . . .
The task at hand seemed impossible yet every day he had to accept his fate and undergo the process . . .
These punks sure picked an appropriate place to play at the apocalypse . . .
Now Available: Montana Noir, edited by James Grady and Keir Graff
You got me. I sometimes steal away into McDonald’s with my nine year old, and we share a large fry. . .
Now Available: New Haven Noir, edited by Amy Bloom
It was at the town library that I heard about Officer Harrington’s quick thinking on the front steps of the MacCann house . . .
There was a young couple eating on the floor of a dead shipmaster. . .
I braced myself on the backseat as my red taxi careened around the corner. . .