Reverse-Gentrification of the Literary World

Akashic Books

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VIRTUAL EVENT: K’wan, Patrick Millikin – Poisoned Pen Bookstore

K’Wan discusses Black Lotus 2: The Vow with Poisoned Pen’s Patrick Millikin (editor of Phoenix Noir). This event will be streamed to Poisoned Pen’s Facebook Live; please visit Poisoned Pen’s website for more information or to tune in. PLEASE NOTE: All of our virtual events are listed in Eastern Time (ET).

VIRTUAL EVENT: The Nicotine Chronicles — Poisoned Pen Bookstore

Lee Child and contributors Robert Arellano and Bernice L. McFadden present The Nicotine Chronicles; hosted by Poisoned Pen Bookstore via Facebook Live. More details: https://www.poisonedpenevents.com/event/virtual-event-the-nicotine-chronicles-hosted-by-lee-child-with-robert-arellano-and-bernice-mcfadden/?instance_id=4370. PLEASE NOTE: All of our virtual events are listed in Eastern Time (ET).