Naked Girls Reading Series presents “A Night of Noir,” featuring Bradley Spinelli (The Painted Gun), Joe Meno (Marvel and a Wonder), and Rob Hart. Cocktails will be provided by Lauren Parton. This is a ticketed event. $20 in advance (2 for $35). Purchase tickets here.
Chicago Noir: The Classics featuring Joe Meno, Stuart Dybek, Sara Paretsky, Donna Seaman, and Randy Albers. Hosted by Rick Kogan of the Chicago Tribune.
Books ‘n’ Bottles welcomes Joe Meno (Marvel and a Wonder) for a reading/signing/wine tasting at Taste Food & Wine. Free, open to the public.
Joe Meno in conversation with Mary Gaitskill.
Featuring Nina Revoyr (Lost Canyon), Joe Meno (Marvel and a Wonder), and Rachel Kessler. Cosponsored by Hugo House.
Featuring Joe Meno (Marvel and a Wonder) and Nina Revoyr (Lost Canyon), with special guest Joshua James Amberson. Cosponsored by Future Tense Books.
Featuring Joe Meno (Marvel and a Wonder) and Nina Revoyr (Lost Canyon), with special guest Josh Mohr.