“A Day at the Zoo” by Jennifer Furner
I unload Amelia from her car seat, gather her snack and water cups, and zip them away in the diaper bag. I place her sunglasses on her face and ask, “Who’s ready for a fun day at the zoo?”
I unload Amelia from her car seat, gather her snack and water cups, and zip them away in the diaper bag. I place her sunglasses on her face and ask, “Who’s ready for a fun day at the zoo?”
Watch Ryan O’Callaghan’s interview on CBS This Morning here!
Two stories from Santa Cruz Noir have been honored in The Best American Mystery Stories 2019!
It was the start of the rainy season. Dark clouds billowed over the setting sun, leaving the air ripe with a feeling of dread.
In a moment of temporary insanity, Mommy took me shopping even though she had forgotten the entrapment device… er, I mean stroller… at home. My sister was at preschool. How hard could it be to run errands with one child?
Paul steered the deadrise boat around the shoals, keeping his distance from the shallow Chesapeake waters around the barrier island. Wouldn’t do to get stuck in the muck. Not today.
Molly wants to swing, so I pick her up and thread her legs through the vinyl harness. I shove her off, and she wheee’s, yawing to one side. It’s higher than I push her with other parents around. But we have the park to ourselves, for now.
Curdella Forbes’s A Tall History of Sugar was reviewed in the New York Times Book Review!