Reverse-Gentrification of the Literary World

Akashic Books

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“Church Goers” by Margaret Barbour Gilbert

Mrs. O’Connor liked Burger King because it was cheap. When I arrived the next day, she was putting on makeup and drinking Coca-Cola from a large glass. “I’m almost ready,” she said. “That’s good,” I answered, “because I hate going into Mass late.” “I always love to go places late,” she said. “I hate to be on time . . .”

“Simple Deadly Cravings” by Kerime B. Toksu

Tiny red potatoes sizzled on the stove as Mel rolled kale with one hand, slicing it into ribbons with the other.

“Root vegetable chowder,” she told me as I unwound my heavy wool scarf. I must have given her a look because she added, “with maple syrup,” as though this would make it better . . .

“Defriended” by Ali Eteraz

My friend, if I don’t put up things for you to “like” it’s not because I don’t love you, but because I remember what you and I used to be . . .