Reverse-Gentrification of the Literary World

Akashic Books

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News & Features

A Conversation with Alison Powell, Bookstore Curator, The Oxford Exchange (Tampa, FL)

Welcome to Akashic in Good Company, a regular feature where Akashic spotlights the remarkable people and places in today’s publishing industry. Over the past fifteen years, Akashic has worked with an amazing array of talented, hard-working, committed people and Akashic would not be the company it is today without their help and advice along the way. This week’s installment features a conversation between Akashic’s managing editor Johanna Ingalls and Alison Powell, Bookstore Curator, The Oxford Exchange, Tampa, FL.

“Music Capital of the World” by Joe Canzano

So Johnny Fizz was dead and now it was my problem.

Not because I was some hotshot Austin cop working the 6th Street district, wrestling with drunken punks the way Stevie Ray had wrestled with that fire-breathing Strat. No, it was my problem because I’d played in a band with Johnny for years, and I knew at least a hundred people who wanted to see him with his head blown off . . .

Weekly Roundup for 8/16/13

Every Friday, the Akashic team highlights industry news, reviews, and features from around the web. This week’s roundup comes to you from Akashic intern Katie Martinez.

“MegaBlast” by R.K. Solomon

I’m not a complete monster. It pains me to hear her beg for her life. She says she’s got two kids. Little kids. A boy and a girl. Maybe she does. Maybe not. People will say anything in these situations. I wish she’d shut up. This is hard enough without the hysterics . . .

SALE! Midwest Noir Complete Set for $35!

To celebrate the publication of Twin Cities Noir: The Expanded Edition, we’re pleased to offer all a set of four area titles from our Noir Series (Twin Cities, Detroit, Chicago and Kansas City) for only $35, plus shipping, while supplies last!

“Undone” by Michelle Sacks

It was full of backpackers, Udaipur: dreadlocked, slightly malodorous waifs and strays from the Western world, decked out in worn sandals and ill-fitting local garb, gathered from their travels around Asia . . .