Reverse-Gentrification of the Literary World

Akashic Books

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News & Features

“The Treasure Chest” by Sofia Quintero

Giselle slid in her green contact lenses before slipping out the back door and tottering in her stilettos across the parking lot to Chief’s car. When she opened the passenger door, she was greeted with the smoke of his nasty cigarette and a bouquet of blue hydrangeas. “For me?” She picked them up off the seat, eased into their place, and leaned over to plant a kiss on Chief’s cheek . . .

Weekly Roundup for 7/26/13

Every Friday, the Akashic team highlights industry news, reviews, and features from around the web. This week’s roundup comes to you from Akashic intern Gabriella Balza.

“We Burned Down the City” by Jervey Tervalon

Gumbo and I tossed a Frisbee, waiting for our mamas to call us in for dinner, while Danny, another one of my brothers’ friends, screamed by from one end of the block to the other, passing within a few feet of us on his gigantic chopper . . .

Thomas Glave: On the US Supreme Court’s DOMA Ruling

For today’s Akashic Insider, we asked Thomas Glave—author of the newly-released Among the Bloodpeople: Politics and Flesh—to write about the Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).