“The Day of Gay Parade” by James Brydon
Today, Ultras threw rocks and policemen fled. Tonight, Ivana is still standing, the breeze tickling her skin.
Today, Ultras threw rocks and policemen fled. Tonight, Ivana is still standing, the breeze tickling her skin.
She had been with him since he was a young ensign on his first leave in Manila . . .
Dr. Stacey Roman watched as Roy, Chief Militia for Apex building, put down the copy of Fire Next Time he had been reading to reluctantly unlock the door for her.
Congratulations to Akashic author Bernice L. McFadden, who has been named the Go On Girl! Book Club’s 2018 Author of the Year in honor of her novel The Book of Harlan!
“Don’t like it! Don’t like it!” the tiny human shouted at me.
It must have been a gunshot. I’d know the sound of a .45 anywhere.
Time marches on! What a ridiculous cliché. If I had a minute for every time I’ve heard it, I’d . . . well, don’t get me started.
Congratulations to Michael Zadoorian, whose novel Beautiful Music has been named one of 20 Michigan Notable Books for 2019!