EVENT ALERT: San Juan Noir
Festival de la Palabra and the Loisaida Center present: San Juan Noir —A Reading and Book Signing Celebration.
Festival de la Palabra and the Loisaida Center present: San Juan Noir —A Reading and Book Signing Celebration.
Thank you, Village Voice, for naming Akashic Books the Best Indie Publisher for 2016!
Galway City, late July—when dawn comes early—5am, only twenty minutes off. All was calm. All was bright. It reminded me of something . . .
International best-selling rock band Garbage presents its own autobiography, a gorgeous, full-color coffee-table book with text and images galore.
Some of her patients had parenting problems more than they had medical problems, but Dr. Simian didn’t say that out loud as she took Mrs. Monkey’s call . . .
Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America.
We pulled into our parking space at 9:38am. Yes, we were technically eight minutes late. But I’d managed to dress and feed four hungry tiny people, wrestle them into car seats, and drive here. Eight minutes late was a win.
Gardner finished dressing: jeans, his shoulder holster strapped on underneath his leather jacket. He’d started down the stairs when the buzzer sounded. Gripping his arm, the woman stopped him. “Don’t go out there.” . . .