“Little Men of the NCAA” by Sean Murphy
This is what I do. I take Mickey over to Nemo’s. It’s right across the river from the track. Still a pain in the ass though. Rillito was flooded, monsoons and all . . .
This is what I do. I take Mickey over to Nemo’s. It’s right across the river from the track. Still a pain in the ass though. Rillito was flooded, monsoons and all . . .
He stamped the snow off his boots, brushed it off the shoulders of his jacket, and hit his Stetson against his thigh, leaving small puddles where the snow hit the warm floor and melted. He looked around the bar and saw the only empty stool next to the guy that had been sitting in the row ahead of him on the bus. He took the seat . . .
Next Wed., 5/25, join us for an evening of Akashic All-Stars at Greenlight Bookstore in Brooklyn!
Read an excerpt from Some Go Hungry by J. Patrick Redmond, the latest novel from Akashic’s Kaylie Jones Books imprint.
Did you know that The Book of Harlan is partly inspired by author Bernice L. McFadden’s own family history? Click for exclusive photos and newspaper clippings she came across while conducting research for her latest novel.
And so my nine-year-old discovered the word the other day. On the subway: a young woman, thoroughly exasperated by her fellow rude subway riders . . .
I left Los Angeles and moved to Long Beach, California, because I thought it’d be less cold—I don’t mean the temperature, I mean the atmosphere, the lack of caring, the judgment, the sheer disdain for those who haven’t made it. I escaped LA, but not the hell that it is to be a homeless woman . . .
Don’t be afraid — check out these titles this Friday the 13th.