EVENT ALERT: Chasing Water: Elegy of an Olympian NYC launch!
Join Anthony Ervin, Constantine Markides, and Dave Zirin for the launch of Chasing Water: Elegy of an Olympian @ powerHouse Arena in Brooklyn on Sat., 4/2!
Join Anthony Ervin, Constantine Markides, and Dave Zirin for the launch of Chasing Water: Elegy of an Olympian @ powerHouse Arena in Brooklyn on Sat., 4/2!
7:28 a.m. Geneva grabbed Roosevelt’s shoulder as he stood at his locker and turned him around. He rolled his eyes and went back to rummaging through his books. “We need to talk,” she said . . .
To celebrate the release of New Orleans Noir: The Classics, the latest from Akashic’s Noir Series, we’re pleased to give you a look at the glittering constellation of writers that have passed through New Orleans with editor Julie Smith’s introduction, “The Many Ways It Can All Go Away.”
To date we’d always had the twins enrolled in all the same sports and activities. But when they turned six they started to express different interests . . .
Potty training is a bitch. It should be easy, right? How hard could it actually be? . . .
The ice pick hung there on a nail. I grabbed it—Ricky was going down. I told that fucking idiot not to leave anything behind. He knew . . .
Don’t miss 2 great events featuring The Mastermind author David Unger in NYC! Click for details.
To celebrate the release of Stockholm Noir, the latest release from Akashic’s award-winning Noir Series, we’re pleased to give you a look at editors Nathan Larson and Carl-Michael Edenborg’s introduction, “While the City Sleeps.”