To celebrate the release ofCensorship Now!!, an uproarious new essay collection from cult music hero Ian F. Svenonius, we’re pleased to feature an excerpt from the book on how yuppies and NPR gentrified punk music.
To celebrate the release of Zagreb Noir, the latest in Akashic’s Noir Series, we’re pleased to give you a look at Zagreb’s dark history with editor Ivan Sršen’s introduction, “Surviving to Tell the Story.”
Laure always believed she would die young, a murder victim. At 40, she had assumed time for the killing had run out. Yet here she was, kneeling on gravel in the middle of the night, about to die in the high-altitude plains of Ladakh . . .
To celebrate the release of Simon’s Cat Off to the Vet . . . and Other Cat-astrophes, Akashic is featuring some of our favorite bookstore and library cats. Today, meet the cats of Akashic employees: Boutros Boutros-Ghali and Cecil P.!