To celebrate the release of Little Beasts —a powerful debut novel by Matthew McGevna and the latest release from our Kaylie Jones Books imprint — today we’re pleased to feature Matthew McGevna’s story from Long Island Noir, edited by Kaylie Jones.
To celebrate the release of The Anger Meridian, we’re pleased to feature a statement from author Kaylie Jones on creating an unreliable narrator who’s forced to make a life-altering decision.
On a humid mid-July Thursday evening, a young woman in a cream-colored Macy’s pantsuit went into the small bodega on Nostrand and Lexington Avenue (by the twenty-four-hour Laundromat) and walked to the back refrigerator . . .
The moment Elaine walks out of the air-conditioned hospital hallway, she is covered in a sheet of liquid. It is not sweat, but rather condensation from the difference in interior and exterior temperature. A thunderstorm is coming, maybe even a typhoon. The moisture in the air has captured all the smells on the streets. Beneath the pungent aroma of fermented tofu and fish balls, there is the distinct scent of mold from children’s nylon backpacks. Further down the street, there is the body odor of an Indian delivery boy—cumin, the cheap perfume worn by women who disappear into buildings with pink neon lights—green apple, fresh citrus scents from Bergamot oranges and pomelos, and the smell of ocean from the fish stall next door . . .
Join Shannon Holmes as he launches his new novel Caught Up — the latest release from Akashic’s Infamous Books imprint — at the Harlem Book Fair on 7/18!
Download a copy of Long Island Noir — edited by Kaylie Jones, and featuring the story “Gateway to the Stars” by Matthew McGevna — for absolutely free through Sunday, July 12!
Nothing much happens around Sylvan Lake as a rule—maybe a fight breaks out at the Agricultural Society dance, or the institution of marriage is combined with booze or drugs or guns. So of course the Edmonton and Calgary papers are saying that Lillian’s death is beyond the investigative powers of my rural RCMP detachment and me. Well, maybe so. I don’t know . . .
“Nothing stops the bid,” Uncle Taeng said as he shoveled the squirming baby octopus into his mouth. “Nothing. If we don’t bid, Seoul doesn’t eat . . .”