“Spawn of Satan” by Victoria Madison
When my twins were two years old I had steamy droplets of perspiration dripping out of every pore in my body. . . .
When my twins were two years old I had steamy droplets of perspiration dripping out of every pore in my body. . . .
I knew the precise moment our relationship went sour; I always did . . .
Hedgepig believed in himself; belief without question, utter faith . . .
The task at hand seemed impossible yet every day he had to accept his fate and undergo the process . . .
Three miserable years. But there I was, fucking cigarette in my mouth . . .
Just as Steadroy finish mek up he bed under de Big Head, smadee call he name . . .
Things happen when you’re not looking. Things that you’re not expecting . . .
The task at hand seemed impossible yet every day he had to accept his fate and undergo the process . . .