Reverse-Gentrification of the Literary World

Akashic Books

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Tag: Go the Fuck to Sleep

“Little Lord Fonzelroy” by Kaye George

Beautiful spring day in Ohio. Laundry room in the basement. Hanging clothes on the inside line from the dryer so they won’t be a wrinkled mess. My son, as usual, hungry for a snack. How does he always know when I don’t want to be interrupted in the middle of a task? . . .

“Wise at Four” by Dorothy Stone

We had recently moved and were delighted to find a babysitter across the street and a few doors down. Allison was about fourteen and lived with her dad, who had told us that his wife had recently passed away . . .

“Dear Son” by Daniel Presley

Dear Son, Honestly, I should’ve started this campaign long ago, back when you were a fetus and your behavior was under control. Today the case is nearly hopeless . . .