To celebrate the release of New Orleans Noir: The Classics, the latest from Akashic’s Noir Series, we’re pleased to give you a look at the glittering constellation of writers that have passed through New Orleans with editor Julie Smith’s introduction, “The Many Ways It Can All Go Away.”
To celebrate the release of Stockholm Noir, the latest release from Akashic’s award-winning Noir Series, we’re pleased to give you a look at editors Nathan Larson and Carl-Michael Edenborg’s introduction, “While the City Sleeps.”
To celebrate the release of Marseille Noir, the latest from Akashic’s Noir Series, we’re pleased to give you a look at editor Cédric Fabre’s introduction, “Marseille Calling.”
To celebrate the release of Memphis Noir, the latest in Akashic’s Noir Series, we’re pleased to give you a look at editors Laureen P. Cantwell and Leonard Gill’s introduction, “City of Marvels & Misfits.”
To celebrate the release of Buffalo Noir, the latest in Akashic’s Noir Series, we’re pleased to give you a look at coeditor Ed Park’s own personal Buffalo noir with his introduction, “Ice-Cold Stories.”
To celebrate the release of Zagreb Noir, the latest in Akashic’s Noir Series, we’re pleased to give you a look at Zagreb’s dark history with editor Ivan Sršen’s introduction, “Surviving to Tell the Story.”
To celebrate the release of Chicago Noir: The Classics, the latest in Akashic’s Noir Series, we’re pleased to give you a look at the history of noir and crime writing in Chicago with editor Joe Meno’s introduction, “Language of Shadows.”