Akashic Noir Series featured in CHESTNUT HILL LOCAL
Praise for the Akashic Noir Series in Hugh Gilmore’s column in the Chestnut Hill Local!
Praise for the Akashic Noir Series in Hugh Gilmore’s column in the Chestnut Hill Local!
The entire Noir Series backlist is on sale wherever e-books are sold for just $2.99 a title through December 31, 2017!
Now Available: Montana Noir, edited by James Grady and Keir Graff
Now Available: New Haven Noir, edited by Amy Bloom
There was a young couple eating on the floor of a dead shipmaster. . .
I braced myself on the backseat as my red taxi careened around the corner. . .
It was a typical August night in Tokyo when each breath felt like you were sucking cotton into your lungs. . .
Now Available: Atlanta Noir, edited by Tayari Jones