“White Reaper” by Nolan Knight
Raindrops glistened about Sue’s minivan the day she left . . .
Raindrops glistened about Sue’s minivan the day she left . . .
There’s nowhere more unsafe than the back of an ambulance. . .
They pitched their Good News. He wasn’t buying it. Not on the worst day of his life, not ever. . .
Keenan offered me the drop gun but I said no. I didn’t think I was that kind of cop. . .
Al stops him. . .
He used to beat she like a snake. When he done, she skin so black and blue and swell she look just like the Southern Main Road. . .
A riderless horse clopping with hungry purpose down the block was not such a rare sight on that part of the West Side then. . .
The dog track was never in our plans for the evening. Scott’s system was for jai alai, not dogs, and tuition for the fall semester was due tomorrow, so he needed to raise it tonight . . .